Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Opening Jars:

Well now here's a subject that becomes more pressing as arthritis creeps up on our aging population. There must be twenty gadgets out there from a piece of quilted rubber to an electric gizmo that sits on the counter (Taking up counter space most of the time)

Well here's my suggestion and we DO use it. The opener is put over the top of the cap or lid and the handle is "cranked" counter-clockwise closing the jaws. Hold the jar with one hand pressing it down to the counter and continue turning the handle. The lid is loose in a jiffy.

I don't think they are being made any more, but you can find them in antique shops, resale shops and maybe a garage sale. It's worth having in your gadget drawer.


  1. I've had this issue for years. There have been times when I've come close to taking things back to the grocery store because I can't get them open. I remember we had this gadget in our kitchen when I was growing up. I'll have to look around and see if I can find one.

  2. Hi Gayle and welcome.
    This is just a collection of hints and tips that come up now and again. I just had to pull that contraption out of the drawer to get a bottle of pomegranate juice open. It's the best thing I've found.
